Explore the History of Mineral Wells, TX
.Travelers who appreciate small-town charm and outdoor recreation will love Mineral Wells, Texas. Today, it offers modern comforts and abundant fun. Explore Elmhurst Park, Lake Mineral Wells State Park, and museums like the Little Rock School House Museum. Mineral Wells is rich in history and stories, making it an inspiring destination. Undergoing a major restoration, Mineral Wells aims to reclaim its status as a wellness destination.
A City with a History of Healing
The history of Mineral Wells, Texas dates back to the late 1870s. James Alvis Lynch and his family left Denison, Texas, and moved west seeking a drier climate. Lynch and his wife suffered from rheumatism and sought a place that offered relief from their ailments. Lynch and his wife found the ideal climate in what is now Mineral Wells. The only problem, the nearest water source was 4 miles away.
So, they hired a driller named Providence to drill a well on their property in exchange for oxen. The well was completed in the summer of 1880 and immediately, the Lynch family noticed that the drinking water had a funny taste. They also noticed that as they drank water from the well, symptoms of their illnesses began to quickly disappear.
News of the medicinal powers of their well quickly spread throughout the area and in the fall of 1881, the town of Mineral Wells was named and established accordingly. Mr. Lynch became the first mayor and people from near and far showed up to drink the water with purported healing powers.
City Growth
As the healing waters of Mineral Wells were helping people regain their strength and wellness, they were also helping the town itself grow and prosper. More wells began to be dug out across Mineral Wells and by the early 20th century, drinking pavilions, spas, and mineral water bathhouses were popping up too. Mineral Wells even began exporting their healing water to other destinations using train services.
Healing Wates in the Modern World
While many of Mineral Well’s water companies shuttered their doors in the 1940s following the Great Depression, the Famous Mineral Water Company prospered and continues to thrive today. Since it’s found in 1904, this water company has found a way to evolve into modern times. Those who visit Mineral Wells, Texas today can still stop by the Famous Mineral Water Company at 209 NW 6th Street and order up a refreshing mineral water at their leisure. It’s a great way to enjoy local flavors and participate in the history that built the city itself! Of course you will also want to schedule a Mineral Bath at Crazy Bath House.
Book Your Mineral Wells Getaway Today

When your travel plans bring you to Mineral Wells, Texas, booking a stay at Magpie Inn elevates the experience even further! Built in 1907 this traditional Bed and Breakfast is one of two original boarding houses still standing today. Timeless architecture meet all the modern comforts at the Chef owned and operated boutique inn. Get in touch today to learn more about reserving your place the next time you’re in town.